1- In order to registration, please click on the Register/Login in our website: www.nikbazdid.com
2- If you have not already created an account, click on Register and enter your national ID number, mobile number and password to register in the system. Otherwise, you can Login by your username (national ID) and password.
3- Please download and confirm all above Forms prior to completion of your information. After that you can upload them on the website.
Note: The Visual Acuity Form (FO/12-00) shall be approved by the employer or an ophthalmologist or an optician for near vision and color vision.
Note: Please read and sign Code of Ethic Form (FO/13-00) carefully with your name and date. Signing this Form means full awareness and abiding of Nik Bazdid code of ethic.
Note: The Candidate Experience Form (FO/14-00) shall be approved in experience date sort by the authorized representative of the employer. Please record all your experience in all non-destructive testing methods, including the requested method.
Note: Please be informed that authorized institution for holding training courses must consider ISO/TS 25107 training syllabuses.
4- Please complete and upload following items:
- Identity information along with 3*4 photo and national ID card scan,
- Latest educational degree information and its scan,
- Training course information along with certificates’ scans,
- Experience information and Candidate Experience Form’s scan,
- Visual Acuity Form scan,
- Code of Ethic Form scan,
Then, in the Declaration section, give us confirmation that all information that you have entered are correct. In this step, your profile will be created.
Note: Uploaded files must be in PDF format and less than 1 MB in size.
5- The Nik Bazdid team will review your documents within 4 business days. You will be notified of the status of your documents as complete or incomplete via message.
Note: If your documents are incomplete, you have to present additional information within 4 business.
6- After approving your documents by our team, you can register for your preferred exam in your profile by clicking on Register. Payment step is your final step.
Note: The selected exam will be reserved in your profile for only 24 hours and will be removed from your profile if you do not finish the payment.
7- After payment, you will be notified by message about exam details.
Note: On the exam day, you shall bring your original documents.