Candidate Duties:
Candidates, whether employed, self-employed or unemployed shall:
a) Provide documentary evidence of satisfactory completion of a course of training;
b) Provide verifiable documentary evidence that the required experience has been gained under qualified supervision;
c) Provide documentary evidence of vision satisfying the requirements of Nik Bazdid certification scheme;
d) Abide by a code of ethics published by Nik Bazdid;
Certificate Holders’ Duties:
Certificate holders shall:
a) Abide by the Nik Bazdid code of ethics which signed by certificate holders in registration step;
b) Undergo an annual test of visual acuity in accordance with Nik Bazdid certification scheme and submit the results of tests to the employer;
c) Notify the Nik Bazdid and the employer in the event that the conditions for validity of certification are not fulfilled;