In order to clarify how operating certification of persons at this organization, Nik Bazdid provides certificate procedure to the public.
1- The scope of issuing a certificate at Nik Bazdid includes 5 NDT methods as follow:
2- Sectors of product and industry which can be mentioned in certificate of Nik Bazdid are as follow:
A) Product sectors:
B) Industrial sectors
3- Levels of qualification: In Nik Bazdid certifying persons in non-destructive methods is done at three levels and features as following:
3-1 level 1: An individual certified to Level 1 has demonstrated competence to carry out NDT according to written instructions and under the supervision of Level 2 or Level 3 personnel. Within the scope of the competence defined on the certificate, Level 1 personnel may be authorized by the employer to perform the following in accordance with NDT instructions:
a) set up NDT equipment
b) perform the tests
c) record and classify the results of the tests according to written criteria
d) report the results.
Note: Level 1 certified personnel shall neither be responsible for the choice of test method or technique to be used, nor for the interpretation of test results.
3-2- Level2: An individual certified to Level 2 has demonstrated competence to perform NDT according to NDT procedures. Within the scope of the competence defined on the certificate, Level2 personnel may be authorized by the employer to:
a) select the NDT technique for the testing method to be used
b) define the limitations of application of the testing method
c) translate NDT codes, standards, specifications, and procedures into NDT instructions adapted to the actual working conditions
d)set up and verify equipment settings
e) perform and supervise tests
f) interpret and evaluate results according to applicable standards, codes, specifications or procedures
g) carry out and supervise all tasks at or below Level 2
h) provide guidance for personnel at or below Level 2
i) report the results of NDT
3-3- Level 3: An individual certified to Level 3 has demonstrated competence to perform and direct NDT operations for which he is certified. Level 3 personnel have demonstrated:
a) the competence to evaluate and interpret results in terms of existing standards, codes, and specifications
b) sufficient practical knowledge of applicable materials, fabrication, process, and product technology to select NDT methods, establish NDT techniques, and assist in establishing acceptance criteria where none are otherwise available
c) a general familiarity with other NDT methods.
Within the scope of the competence defined on the certificate, Level 3 personnel may be authorized to:
a) Assume full responsibility for a test facility or examination center and staff.
b) Establish, review for editorial and technical correctness, and validate NDT instructions and procedures.
c) Interpret standards, codes, specifications, and procedures.
d) Designate the particular test methods, procedures, and NDT instructions to be used.
e) Carry out and supervise all tasks at all levels.
f) Provide guidance for NDT personnel at all levels.
g) All sections in paragraph 3-2
4- Eligibility: Eligibility of candidates to receive a certificate of non-destructive testing is based on education, training, experience, qualification exams and vision requirements.
4-1- Training: The minimum duration of training undertaken by the candidate for certification defined in table 1 for the applicable NDT method.
-one day duration is at least seven hours, which can be achieved on a single day or by accumulating hours.
-For RTI, training days does not include radiation safety training.
Direct access to Level 2 requires the total hours shown in Table above.
When considering the responsibilities of a certified Level 3 and the content of the basic examination for Level 3 additional training about the other NDT methods may be necessary. Control of the above case is done by conformity assessment body manager.
Note 1: Training hours include both practical and theoretical courses.
Note 2: For Level 3, in addition to the minimum training given in Table 1, the preparation for qualification can be completed in different ways dependent on the scientific and technical background of the candidate, including attendance at other training courses, conferences or seminars, studying books, periodicals and other specialized printed or electronic materials.
4-2- Industrial NDT experience: The minimum duration of experience to be gained in the sector where the candidate is seeking certification shall be as given in Table 2.
When the candidate is seeking certification in more than one method, the total time of experience shall be the sum of the experience in each method.
Note: For Level 2 certification, the intent of this International Standard is that work experience consists of time as a Level 1. If the individual is being qualified directly to Level 2, with no time at Level 1, the experience shall consist of the sum of the times required for Level 1 and Level 2. No reduction in the period of experience shall be allowed.
Documentary evidence of experience shall be confirmed by employer and submitted to Nik Bazdid. (when registering the applicant).
In the event that a part of the experience is sought following successful examination, the results of the examination shall remain valid for two years.
4-3- Vision requirements for all levels:
a) Near vision acuity shall permit reading a minimum of Jaeger number 1 or Times Roman N 4.5 or equivalent letters (having a height of 1,6 mm) at not less than 30 cm with one or both eyes, either corrected or uncorrected
b) Colour vision shall be sufficient that the candidate can distinguish and differentiate contrast between the colours or shades of grey used in the NDT method concerned, as specified by the employer
The candidates shall download Visual Acuity Form (FO/12-00) Nik Bazdid website ( and after confirming by a qualifies person such as employer, optometrist, employer medical team or ophthalmologist, this form shall be upload on Nik Bazdid website.
5- Qualification examination:
5-1- Examination content and grading for level 1 and level 2:
a) General Examination: Required minimum number of questions for general exam shown in below Table:
These number of questions extracted randomly from Nik Bazdid question bank and will be allocated to the candidate.
Note: The candidate shall answer at least 70 % of general question correctly.
b) Specific examination: During the specific examination, the candidate shall be required to give answers to at least 20 multiple choice questions, including questions involving calculations, NDT procedures and questions on codes, standards and specifications extracted randomly from Nik Bazdid question bank and according to the explanation in the exam section, exam will be held.
c) practical examination: The practical examination shall involve applying the test to prescribed specimens, recording (and, for Level 2 candidates, interpreting) the resulting information to the degree required, and reporting the results in the required format.
Note: The Level 1 candidate shall follow the NDT instruction(s) provided by the examiner.
Note: The Level 2 candidate shall select the applicable NDT technique and determine the operating conditions related to a given code, standard or
The maximum time allowed for each area or volume to be tested is as follow:
a) level 1: two hours
b) level 2: three hours
5-2 Examination content and grading for level3:To be eligible for certification, the candidate shall obtain a minimum grade of 70 % in each part of the examination (general, specific, and practical). In addition, for the practical examination, a minimum grade of 70 % shall be obtained for each specimen tested, and for the NDT instruction, as applicable.
Examination content and grading for Level 3: All candidates for Level 3 certification in any NDT method shall have successfully completed (with a grade of ≥70 %) the practical examination for Level 2 in the relevant sector and method, except for the drafting of NDT instructions for Level 1.
Basic examination: This written examination shall assess the candidate’s knowledge of the basic subjects using multiple choice questions.
Examination questions shall be selected in an unpredictable way from the current collection of questions approved by Nik Bazdid at the time of the examination. The minimum required number of questions shown in table below:
It is recommended that the basic examination be passed first and remain valid, provided that the first main method examination is passed within five years after passing the basic examination. A candidate holding a valid Level 3 certificate is exempt from the need to retake the basic examination
Main Method Examination: This written examination shall assess the candidate’s knowledge of the main method subjects using the minimum required number of multiple choice questions shown in table below. Examination questions shall be selected in an unpredictable way from the current collection of questions approved by Nik Bazdid at the time of the examination.
6- Conducting Exam:
After accepting the candidate and ensuring the completeness and accuracy of the submitted documents, the candidate has to select the date of the written and practical exam in the website according to the available dates (calendar). After selecting the exam date, the candidate pays the exam fee and registration process will be finished. Before payment, selected exam will be reserved for 24 hours for the candidate.
Registration details will be displayed in candidate profile. It also notified to the candidate via message.
The candidate shall bring following documents at exam date:
National ID card or valid passport
The original of the last educational degree uploaded in the system
The original of the training certificates uploaded in the system
Original letter of experience uploaded in the system
The principle of visual acuity form uploaded in the system
Each exam is performed by one or more examiners.
The Nik Bazid question bank is constantly revised and updated by question developers.
Examiners or invigilators are responsible for checking candidates’ attendance and preventing from their cheating.
Also, the examiner must ensure that the test conditions are safe.
Any disobedience of examination rules such as cheating, leads to deprivation of taking this exam for 1 year.
After reviewing all available documents, such as identity, educational, training, experience documents, visual acuity and passing the written and practical examination and after confirmation of CAB manager and CMC, the candidate who meets all the requirements will be awarded a certificate.
7- Re-examination: A candidate failing for reasons of unethical behavior shall wait at least 12 months before reapplying.
A candidate who fails to obtain the pass grade for any examination part, may be re-examined twice in the failed part(s), provided that the re-examination takes place not sooner than one month, unless further training acceptable to Nik Bazdid is satisfactorily completed, nor later than two years after the original examination.
A candidate failing all permitted re-examination shall apply for and take the examination in accordance with the procedure established for new candidates.
8- Examination Exemption:
A certified Level 1 or Level 2 individual changing sectors or adding another sector for the same NDT method shall be required to take only the new sector specific and practical examinations for that method.
A certified Level 3 individual changing sectors or adding another sector for the same NDT method is exempt from the need to retake the basic examination.
9- Certification:
All available documents such as identity, educational, training, experience documents, visual acuity as well as passing written and practical examination shall be reviewed by CAB manager and shown in candidate profile. After confirmation of CMC, certification shall be issued for candidate. Documentary evidence of these certification must be archived in Nik Bazdid website. This can be achieved with the issue of hard copy certificate(s) and/or wallet card(s) (and/or by electronically uploading and displaying the relevant information on Nik Bazdid website.
10- Transition period
Nik Bazdid may temporarily appoint, for a period not exceeding five years from the date of implementation of the new method or sector, duly qualified personnel as examiners for the purpose of conducting, supervising and grading the qualification examinations.
The five-year implementation period is not to be used by the certification body as a means to certify candidates who do not meet all the qualification and certification requirements of this International Standard.
Duly qualified personnel mean that such personnel:
a) have the knowledge of the principles of NDT and the specific knowledge in relation to the sector.
b) have industrial experience of the application of the NDT method.
c) have the ability to conduct qualification examinations.
d) be able to interpret the questionnaire and results of qualification examinations.
Within two years of the date of appointment, these examiners shall have gained certification by satisfying the requirements for recertification as described.